Bill de Blasio Clowns Himself on T.V.

Published on 24 January 2025 at 13:15

Bill de Blasio Clowns Himself on T.V.

written by: Joe


Disgraced former mayor Bill de Blasio made an ass of himself on television recently during an interview on President Trumps amazing and historic efforts to remove illegal migrants from our country. de Blasio joined MSNBC to make some wildly idiotic statements. 

de Blasio, who is still on the hook for $475k for misusing public funds, decided to give his insight into what he thinks New York needs to do regarding Trumps effort to remove criminal illegal aliens from the state. He started by saying he took Trump to court many times in his last term, when he was mayor, and won. I am unsure as to which cases he would be referring to, as he did not cite them, and I could find none. 

He moves on by saying "We have the independent power as a locality to govern our own affairs", he then states, "and this is a profoundly American reality."  de Blasio continued by saying "The founders created a country where a lot of the power devolved down to states and localities." 

Unfortunately for Bill, the President has declared a national emergency regarding the planned invasion at our nation's borders. This illustrates yet again that Trump and his team are infinitely smarter than these elite class communists like de Blasio. Why? Well, when a national emergency is declared, states are required to abide by the framework of the national emergency. States must comply with federal directives during a national emergency, they retain their own governance structures and can still operate within their legal frameworks, provided they do not conflict with federal mandates.

This emergency declaration explicitly applies to illegal migrants in states; therefore, the states must comply with the mandates set by the federal government in this declaration, despite their anti-American protections that they have granted illegals. Also, Congress
 may authorize the government to call forth the militia to execute the laws, suppress an insurrection or repel an invasion. If Congress decides to do this, now would be the time as the Communist Democrats have no power as of late. 


de Blasio then went on to state that places like New York where they are not going to ask documentation status in schools, or by police keeps people safe, which is a laughable statement coming from this troglodyte. First of all, had New York enforced immigration laws, a woman would not have been burned alive while sleeping on New York's dangerous railway system. So, there's that...


Even more laughable was when the "pandemic" was occurring, his stance on requiring documentation was vastly different. Proof or documentation of vaccination was needed to keep your job within the school system, and in public works. But, even more ironic, they mandated this for citizens to partake in ANY indoor activities, including but not limited to dining out. Interesting that he felt proving you had a now proven to be useless shot via DOCUMENTS was needed to keep people safe then. Now however, that we are dealing with criminal illegals, who become a criminal the second they illegally cross our border, identification is not needed. 


The goofy host then goes on to talk about Trumps "Muslim travel ban", which has been debunked, but Liberals still spew this talking point as though it actually happened. She moves on to ask de Blasio what communist Democrats should do who are now facing arrest for impeding this effort, to which he replied, "Look, I think we have to have faith that our system continues to function." 


The thing is, he answered this question with a non-answer because he knows that according to federal law harboring a fugitive is illegal at the federal level. Not only a fugitive, but illegal aliens are explicitly mentioned in Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). In Title 8 it lists the following as being against federal law:

  • Concealing, shielding, or harboring unauthorized aliens 
  • Transporting undocumented aliens within the United States  
  • Bringing unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner 
  • Encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States

By these rules, the previous administration, along with local officials in New York can be prosecuted as well, being that they encouraged illegals to come here through advertising money cards, hotel stays and more. Also, note the "transporting undocumented aliens within the United States in any manner", section. The CBP1 app worked with cartels and traffickers to bring illegals across our border and relocate them to various areas around our country. This directly relates to that section of the law. 


These penalties can be increased in severity for a number of reasons, but the one that stands out in my mind is the part where it states, " the aliens presented a life-threatening health risk to people in the United States." If you recall, the previous administration allowed unfettered immigration into our country at a time when Americans were being forced out of work and locked in their homes to some degree because of the "pandemic". Yet, they allowed illegals to cross unchecked. Also note the criminal illegals who clearly presented a danger to the woman who was lit on fire while sleeping on the subway, and many others who have been killed at their hands. 


Violation of this law is punishable of up to 10 years in federal prison along with a possible fine. 


In fact, New York also has laws against harboring fugitives. This is why this weasel de Blasio danced around the question. 

Next, he brings up Trumps ban on birthright citizenship. A part of the Constitution, located under the 14th Amendment which reads: 

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."


Many judges and lawyers have stated that the wording here allows for ALL persons who come here and pump out a kid are automatically giving birth to an American citizen. Of course, a judge has blocked this EO, calling it unconstitutional. Mind you, the way the law is worded, one could assume that the framers meant "all" as in all legally residing within our country who give birth to a child, as the Constitution was the framework for LEGAL American citizens pertaining to their natural rights therein, and if you were to ask any constitutional scholar, this is what they would tell you. However, we have been working off of "interpretations" to this section of the constitution, rather than the intent as of late. 

Ironically, the interpretation of this law could also be the Achilles heel of the argument to keep illegals here. The communist left has spun the words "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." to include illegals. So, therefore, one could make an even stronger case against municipalities that choose to protect and harbor illegals. Let me explain, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof ", according to "interpretations", is central to the debate over birthright citizenship, as it is interpreted by some to guarantee citizenship to anyone born on U.S. soil, regardless of their parents’ legal status. However, this would also mean that they are subject to the jurisdiction of our laws. 8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien, would be the law they are subject to and in violation of. 

This is not an interpretation like they have done with the wording of the 14th amendment to allow illegals to produce U.S. citizens. Instead, this is a fact based off of standing and existing law, combined with the exact phrase from the 14th amendment "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". Simply put, that phrase means being fully and directly under the authority and control of the United States government. And since the United States grants the authority to remove and arrest illegals who have violated 8 U.S. Code § 1325, they are subject to the punishments retained within it. 

See how we can also use wording to affirm things? At the end of the day, disgraced former Mayor de Blasio ended up looking just as stupid as any of these "resist" types do to the sane American public who overwhelmingly voted to place President Trump back into office to end the madness these communists were able to carry out for 4 years prior and beyond. 


Watch the interview below

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